Winter Info 2025

Welcome to winter/spring 2025

Paradise is closer than you think - we will be open again from mid March 2025.  


Fenster schliessen

Well-kept ways and paths

The team of the Länta-hut is proud to offer well-kept ways, paths and routs to the guests. This wasn’t like this in the past. If there is no maintenance the nature takes quickly back what we humans built up with long and hard work. So the warden and his team control the ways every year to the occasion of the “Work and Climb”-champ with the SAC. Together with different grades of school they repair damages and increase the quality of the ways. If there is no snow the ways can even been found if there is dense fog. “We cannot expect some guests if there is bad weather and in addition badly marked ways”, says the boss of the hut Patrick Maly of the section bodan SAC, who supports the workings active.