Winter Info 2025

Welcome to winter/spring 2025

Paradise is closer than you think - we will be open again from mid March 2025.  


Fenster schliessen

Managed time

Managed time means service, and that implies that you will always receive a zippy drink, a tasty meal or a trim bed to sleep while the following times. Managed time means taking some time for your wishes and desires. This is part of the privilege offered by the little Länta-hut SAC.

Managed time 2025

In winter and spring, the hut is open and managed from 16th of march to beginning of may by well snow conditions.

In summer, the hut is open and managed from 29th of june to 26th of october. By sunny and warm weather to the 02th november.

Caution, applied to ouer SAC hut:

visit our hut only in a healthy condition.

bring your own: towel, travel sleeping bag, picknick for the next hiking day.

reserve your place to sleep - without reservation no overnight stay, no half board!

take your own waste back into the valley!